English Language Teaching - They Speak English as a First or Official Language Where?

 English as a First or Official Language

Frequently, when I educate or talk before of gathering of English language educators, I like to pose the inquiry, "The number of nations that are there which have English as a FIRST or OFFICIAL language?" A couple of moments then pass as I trust that the gathering will "work it out".

Coincidentally, what number of these nations might YOU at any point name?

Then, leniently, I offer a reaction subsequent to taking a variety of surmises going from about six or so to fifteen or fifty. The accompanying nations each have English either as an authority or first language.

In North America

The North American mainland, home to just three nations, has two of them with English as a first or official language.

o US

o Canada (to make things abundantly clear, French is likewise an authority language in Canada)

In Europe

In Europe, one of the world's extraordinary blends, a few nations guarantee English as a first or official language.

o Ireland

o Scotland

o Britain

In the West Indies

In the West Indies or Caribbean, previously a virtual hotbed of colonization, a few island countries have a type of communicated in English.

o St. Lucia

o Cayman Islands

o St. Vincent

o Grenadines

o Bahamas

o Bermuda

o Grenada

o St. Nevis/St. Kitts

o Jamaica

o Trinidad and Tobago

o Barbados

o U.S. Virgin Islands

o English Virgin Islands

In Focal and South America

If you however just Spanish is spoken "south of the boundary", you'd be off-base. These nations utilize English as a first or official language.

o Guyana

o Belize

o Curacao

In Asia

One more extraordinary multilingual mixture of the world with tons of dialects dabbing the countries that contain most of the world's populace, https://www.aels.edu/ English is guaranteed as an authority or first language in quite a while:

o Singapore

o Hong Kong

o India

o Philippines

o Malaysia

In Africa

With in excess of 1,000 dialects covering the African mainland, it appears to be almost difficult to have any language arise as a prevailing one. English has in any case, gotten through as a "Most widely used language" in a few crowded countries across the mainland. Here are some to date:

o Sierra Leone

o Liberia

o Ghana

o Zimbabwe

o South Africa

o Seychelles

o Nigeria

o Kenya

In the South Pacific

Itself a landmass, Australia heads up a short however great rundown of English-talking nations in the South Pacific. G'day, mate!

o Australia

o Falkland Islands

o New Zealand

o Samoa

Why Learn English?

So when your English as an unknown dialect students inquire, "For what reason would it be a good idea for me I learn English?" you'll have some new ammo with which to answer them as an English language educating proficient.


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